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  • Writer's pictureKen Finch


yrs Date Adam 0 -4000BC The Flood 1656 -2244BC Abram 292 -1952BC Isaac 100 -1852BC Jacob 60 -1792BC Egypt 130 -1662BC Exodus *214 -1448BC 3rd yr Solomon **480 -968BC Solomon's Death 37 -931BC 2969 years according to Bible to end of Solomon's reign

Babylonian Siege 325 -606BC End of Exile 68 -538BC Begin 70x7's 80 -458BC Word to restore Jerusalem (seventy sevens)

Christ's Birth 457 -1BC Christ's Death 33 32AD

*Scriptures concerning 400/430 years in slavery taken from God's covenant with Abram to Exodus/Giving of the law; totaling approximately 214 years in Egypt (Adam at 4000BC and end of Solomon's reign 931BC).

**Scripture concerning 480 years from Exodus to building of the temple.


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